Perhaps the title of this post is a bit of a misleading statement. For the record, I am NOT graduating after this semester, I am just completing another set of classes towards my graduate degree. However, this past semester has been my most challenging and irritating one so far, and I am therefore exponentially much more excited to finish it.
Let me bring you up to speed. I have been griping about my research paper assignment and my lack of motivation to complete said assignment. Happily, I can now report that the difficult part of that assignment (the actual paper) is done. I now need to finish my abstract (a brief summary of the paper), fill out my reference list and make a power point presentation that can last no longer than five minutes.
I suppose you are all now curious as to whether or not I was able to get any work done over the weekend that effectively sealed me in to my parents' house with deep, cold and snowy walls. The answer? No. Well, I did spend some time reading my articles to be used as resources and wandering around the house with a lost expression on my face. Actually, I was waiting for inspiration to hit, but my parents were a little worried. I think.
Also, my brother and his girlfriend came up to visit. This is not an event that occurs very often, so I think I was justified in not wanting to spend the weekend squirreled away in a room with my laptop. Additionally, we did exchange a few Christmas gifts and I receieved Super Mario Brothers Wii, so of course we had to play. My brother is much better at navigating video games, so he was able to help me get to a higher level than I would normally be capable of. In his absence, I will hopefully improve to the point that I can be a non-laughable challenge to my 10 year-old cousin next time I see him.
So, do you want to know what finally inspired me to rattle off this resesarch paper? One word: potluck. Yes, the holiday season is truly upon us when my office has its annual potluck party. Usually, this means that everyone brings food and then congregates in the lunch room area and generally wastes half the day. Unfortunately, now that I am working in the customer service area, I do not have the freedom to sit and chat for hours on end as we have to make sure that there is coverage to serve our customers.
This year, we decided to even the playing field a bit. Instead of having a mid-day time waster of an event, we are waiting until after hours to start the rabid feasting. This way, we do not have to worry about customers and can stay as long as we like. It ALSO means that when we have finished eating, we do not have to return to our desks where we will likely pass out from lethargic post-meatball and cocktail weenie comas. Instead, we can leave work and head home... or to happy hour. I'm pretty sure I will be doing the latter option.
With this in mind, I had no choice but to complete the heavy thinking portion of my paper last night. (It is due on Wednesday.) My inspiration carried over last night into the completion of the journal for my other class (due Thursday), so I am now almost completely ready to end the semester! Bring on the Jameson party! (More on this later.)
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