I am about to conduct an experiment in live-blogging. Please excuse me.
Right now, I am sitting in my parents' "office" at their lovely Mac. I have just printed out the driving instructions to the intended destination of my parents for the outing this evening. I am wearing a lampshade on my head. My feet are cold. Pippi is sleeping in her bed to my left. I have no idea of the whereabouts of the other dogs.
Tonight I am going to be "in charge." Of the dogs. Perhaps we will have a party. Maybe we'll share secrets and bake cookies. Or maybe we will just put on comfy clothes and see what is on HGTV and Food Network. I suppose I could try and read some more of "The Name of the Rose," but it requires a bit of mental engagement and since Lena woke me up at 5:50 this morning, I'm not sure that I'm capable of that right now.
Umm... as there is no other action happening in the immediate present, I shall relate my day to you. At 5:50 this morning, Lena decided that it was imperative that she go outside. I grudgingly obliged her request and then made her return to bed where we remained until 7:45 a.m.
Wait! I hear a noise! It is the sound of my father approaching on crutches. Yes, it appears that his knee injury is not QUITE as terrible as previously thought, but he may yet require surgery. We shall see. He has spent this afternoon working on my taxes - one of the many benefits of having a licensed CPA for a father.
OK, now he's getting closer, but I'm pretty sure nothing exciting is pending other than a remark on my headgear. Yep... it's "nice." And here is Lena. She and Pippi are convening. Dad thinks that my hat is freaking them out. I doubt it.
Back to my day. I brought my car in for an oil change around 9:30 a.m. and spent the waiting period running errands with my mom. We picked up lattes at Caribou, bought groceries at Byerly's, went to the bank and dropped off/picked up my father's dry-cleaning. By the time we finished, my car was ready. After we picked up the car, my mother and I went to lunch at Cafe 28. I had a burger with beets and goat cheese along with a Surly Cynic (beer). It was excellent.
Afterward, we stopped at the Bibelot shop. We were in Linden Hills, after all.
Here comes my mother. She came to ask me about the appropriateness of her attire. When I pointed out the stain on her shirt, she quickly departed to change clothes. Apparently they are supposed to be in Apple Valley in 12 minutes. Interesting. Now they are debating bringing a bottle of wine. My mother has changed shirts, but still looks very nice.
Sorry. Short break - I had to attend to some dogs. My parents are now leaving with assurances that they will not be out late because as soon as my dad and his coworkers start discussing work, she is "hightailing it out of there." Should be exciting.
So now it is me and the dogs. What will happen next?
To complete my story of the day, we went to Bibelot. I bought some socks and a thank you card. We ran into one of my mother's friends from high school and chatted. Then we came home. There were some moments of movie watching and book reading after which I had to research the amount I paid for car license tabs last year (tax purposes). That brings us to now!
Pippi is back in her bed. I have removed the lampshade from my head and Thor and Lena are nowhere to be seen. I think it may be time for comfy clothes and some good relaxation. Thus ends my experiment.
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