Oh, Minnesota, you fickle girl. One day you decide to roast your inhabitants and the next day you stick them back in the fridge. While I hardly know why you seem determined to treat us like leftover pizza, I only ask that your next step is not to give us a quick reheat in the microwave. Thank you.
Good news, people. My brother is coming home for a visit and arrives TODAY! My mother craftily made him a dentist appointment this afternoon so that he would feel motivated to get himself on the road from Madison before mid-afternoon and this means that he will be at the house when Lena and I arrive tonight. He is not coming alone either - Kady the Pooper Dog is coming as well. Sadly, Kady's mama, my brother's lovely ladyfriend Heidi cannot come, but we will miss her. Not just Kady.
More good news: my ant problem seems to be abating. Not only that, but a wee spider seems to have taken advantage of the ant-zone and has set up shop. Normally I might find this disturbing, but as long as it doesn't turn into a wee spider infestation, I'm cool with it.
If you can believe it, I have even more good news. OK, so this is only quasi-good news as there really isn't a reason to celebrate or anything, but still. While casually browsing a nonprofit job board the other day, I happened upon a job posting at a local law library, so I checked it out. As luck would have it, the position is at a level for which I could possibly qualify, AND it just so happens that I know someone who already works there. How is THAT for networking? To think that just recently I had been privately chastising myself for not getting "out there" in the world of professional associations and that the benefit of knowing the right people would forever elude me.
To be fair, I have only just applied for the job. In fact, I probably won't have any kind of response for a good week or so. But I did contact my peep over at the library and she encouraged me to go for it and even volunteered to be one of my references. So even if I don't end up getting the job, at least I am now getting an opportunity to make a pretty good shot at it (and hopefully get through an interview process).
This is also funny because I had just been thinking to myself that unless some really good postings came up there was a strong chance that I would not fulfill my goal of finding a new job by the end of summer. Again, I'm not going to get ahead of myself to the point of getting all nostalgic about my tenure at my current company. True, there have been good times. In fact, there have been AWESOME times at this place. My reasons for leaving are not that this has been a bad place to spend the last decade; I am ready for a new challenge. It is a process that started when I made the decision to go to grad school two years ago. It is just a little hard to imagine that my decision is really going to affect my life in such a profound way.
Enough of that sentimental rambling crap. Does anyone have any fun plans for the summer? Seriously, although my summer is somewhat busy, it is thus far completely without lake access. I believe I have whined about this in previous entries, but this is because my usual cabin funtime outlet is either being cancelled (at worst) or delayed (at best) due to the impending birth of my friend's first child. There have been hints that we could perhaps attempt a late summer/early fall voyage, but the end of July is really the best lake time. We certainly could hang out and relax at the cabin any time, but naked swim day may be off the agenda. That's right, you heard me and that's ALL I'm going to say about it.
Nice, right? Well, if you know me in person, you probably already know about the tradition. As much as I would like to say that what happens in Ely stays in Ely, the four of us have told far too many outsiders to be modest about it any more. I will only say that the details cannot be divulged in writing. It's that sacred.
So then. Well. I hope you all have a lovely day!
I saw pictures from the wedding on Facebook. I liked the color and dresses!