Don't you hate it when people who blog don't update as often as you would like? I know it bothers me, but maybe that is because I have fallen into the trap of always craving new and interesting things to read and expecting people that I do not really actually know to consistently fill that need. Selfish, no?
So here I am at the end of another week. It has not been extraordinary in most ways, but just for fun, let's do a recap.
Monday. From what I recall, I got up, went to work, came home, took Lena for a walk and worked on my homework. Pretty productive, if you ask me, but not very exciting.
Tuesday. It started the same as Monday, but instead of crashing in my own bed come nightfall, I moved myself and my dog to my parents' house for the night. More homework was probably done somewhere in there. But wait, I forgot an important detail. I went to Target on my way home and purchased a hat. Not my normal head covering, but a felt purple concoction that one of my coworkers found and told me about as it matches my purse.
Wednesday. Work work work. Then a quick stop to pick up my mother and then off to my third jewelry party of the season. You would think they would be paying me for this by now. The highlight of the party was during the "purse game" in which contestants are given a letter and must race to produce an item from their purse that starts with said letter. I rarely win at such things, but in the course of the game, I found that I had not yet removed a very odd item from my purse. It starts with an "S," so I just waited patiently to see if I would be given an opportunity to share. And I was. Everyone was impressed.
Thursday. Worky work work work again. Then off to the bar for a quick drink with a coworker to celebrate one of our compatriots last day and new life in the frozen tundra of North Dakota. Then school for three hours. I do not know how I survived, but I did.
Friday. Work, of course. Due to some strange arrangements made by my parents, I am going to a comedy show tonight. This is fine with me, but it is with some of my father's coworkers, which is weird to me. The crew is meeting at 5 p.m. for pre-show drinks and food at a restaurant in downtown Minneapolis. As I must remain at work until 5, I will not be joining them immediately. I will also be driving down alone and parking. Not that I have not done this before, but I hate paying to park. So that will be nice.
Saturday. My last day of internship. Sad. Then, three hours of class. Next, PARTY. Well, quasi-party. One of my mom's friends is coming over to make dinner at her house, and we are expecting a random assortment of guests throughout the evening. I don't really care because I get to have cheesecake. Oh, and apparently the weather people are predicting snow. Is that exciting?
Sunday. Sleep in (hopefully). At least until 9 a.m., if possible. At some point, Lena and I will depart to return to our ancestral home, hopefully not having to contend with icy roads. Although, given that the outside temperature is still teetering above freezing, I doubt any residual precipitation will remain.
So there you go, my life as it stands at the moment. Oh, and if you were wondering about that item in my purse... you'll have to wait. I think I will wait for another entry. Any guesses? (My mom was there so she cannot make a guess. Because it wouldn't be a guess. It is a known fact to her. Right?)
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