Thursday, October 7, 2010

Update and Discovery!

I am starting to feel guilty about not blogging since Sunday, but I haven't had too many interesting things to share lately.  To be fair, I've been a little pissy lately, so you probably wouldn't want to hear my daily rants anyway.  Here is the quick and dirty update:  my car is STILL in the shop and is likely to remain there until sometime next week, so I am spending money every day to drive a rental car so that I may continue to work and make money to pay for said rental car.  Boo.

On a different note, my October looks to be a bit busier than I originally thought it would be.  Not that I am HAPPY about not taking the trip to Florida, but I am a bit relieved now that my schedule is getting more hectic and I have mounting car repair/rental costs to consider.  Rah. 

The Boxelder Bug situation continues to plague me, but only mostly at work.  Honestly, I believe that I have squished and vacuumed up over 30 of these critters in the past three days.  Most of the time, they do not create a huge disgusting mess when I destroy them, but every once in a while, there is a "juicy" one that creates an absolutely revolting sight on our windows.  Ew.

There has been a bit of excitement lately in MN over some big news in sports.  Now that I have identified myself as quasi-aware of professional athletics, I feel I should make a brief mention of it.  First of all, the Twins are in the playoffs versus the NY Yankees.  Of all the sports teams I've ever followed, the Twins sit at the top of the heap in terms of who I really care about.  The Yankees sit very near the absolute bottom.  I would love to see the Twins beat the pants off the Yankees and show them that substance can beat out huge inflated salary budgets, but ultimately I have no control over the outcome, so I'll just watch and hope.

The other big news is that apparently Randy Moss is coming back to play for the Vikings.  I really have no opinion on this piece of information.  I know some people think that now that we have Moss to play with Favre, we should be unbeatable, but I'll believe it when I see it.  To be honest, I have a hard time not seeing this as a blatant attempt to drum up more interest in the Vikings in order to make another idiotic attempt to secure a new stadium.  In true Vikings fashion, I have a sneaky suspicion that this ploy may not work out quite as amazingly as everyone hopes.

Wow!  I can't believe that I spent that much time on current sporting events! 

For the record, I would really like to write and possibly illustrate a new full-length "memory" themed entry sometime soon, but I have to consult my notes and see what seems most inspiring.  With some big assignment deadlines looming on the horizon, I have to remember that schoolwork is a priority...  This weekend is a 3-day special for me thanks to one Christopher Columbus and his awesome country-discovering ways.  I actually drew some pictures for work to put on the signs notifying people of our closure, but they were not approved for use.  So YOU get to enjoy them!!! 

Good old Chris was not a very smiley guy
I saw three ships come sailing in...
That's right.  Land ho!

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