Thursday, February 2, 2012

Blame it on the barometer

I have recently become cognizant of a weird habit/trend/practice of mine.  Whenever I experience a change in my normal bodily functions, be it sleeping, walking, eating or breathing, I skip right over the biological part and go right for environmental.  Specifically, I like to blame the weather.

Now, I am not saying that I am wrong.  In fact, there are probably scientists out there who would be able to provide empirical proof that a great deal of our biological performance is linked to our environment.  Certainly psychologists would back me up, but they are not technically "scientists."  (I think I have been watching too many episodes of Bones in my spare time.)

Here are some examples.

My sleeping patterns of late have become quite disturbing.  Almost psychotic.  Thank goodness I have Lena to create a semblance of normalcy in my waking routine or I would probably accidentally walk out a window.  Or lock myself in the garage.

One of my coworkers has been experiencing bouts of dizziness lately, an experience that I share at certain times of the year. 

My skin has been MEGA-dry lately.  While this is a common winter ailment, I am going through a lot of moisturizer and my finger nails keep breaking off.

Every morning I wake up and my whole face feels clogged.  A shower and some movement usually loosens it up, but it takes a little while.

What does it all mean?  Well, it certainly does NOT indicate that I am ill, although someone with more hypochondriac tendencies than me might think otherwise.  In the absence of any other triggers, I fall back on the weather as my scapegoat. 

Normally, at this time of year, we are well-covered in a heavy base blanket of snow.  Temperatures are usually hovering at or below freezing. 

This year, we are experiencing unusual weather patterns in that there is NO solid snow covering on the ground and temperatures have been hovering at or ABOVE freezing. 

Actually, it all is a bit more like the weather we normally have in late March or early April.  People around here are not overly optimistic that we will not get any major snowfall this year, but as spring draws nearer, it looks more like a real possibility. 

Unfortunately, our bodies are not used to this ecological change.  We are accustomed to hibernation and snow.  Instead we have fog, mud and temperatures that do not require mittens.  No wonder all my biological systems are out of whack. 

So what is the solution?  Medicate?  Adapt?  Move to Hawaii?  I will carefully consider all three options and let you know how it turns out. 

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