Saturday, September 10, 2011

Les chiens qui dorment

Goodness, it's getting late.  What am I still doing up?  Well, I will tell you. 

The pups have been out for their last bathroom break of the day, which was severely truncated due to the fact that some young gentlemen are carousing at high volume in a backyard somewhere within hearing distance.  They must also have a dog with them, which of course leads to doggie conversations.

As I am sure that none of my other neighbors care to listen to doggie conversations at 10:45 p.m., I had to lure them back in with treats. 

I am now contemplating the joy that is piling three terrier-sized dogs into a queen-size bed with one fully grown female human.  Sure to be a delight.  As a precautionary measure, I think I may bring up some doggy beds for the floor as the canines have a propensity to jump down at an hour that is far to early on a weekend for me to contemplate getting up.  Due to the fact that most of said canines cannot or will not jump back UP on the bed, they need comfortable accommodations to allow them rest after the initial hoopla of waking up.

Of course, this afternoon we also had "Orbit Gum Scare 2011."  I found the remains of a partially consumed wrapper with what I took to be already chewed Orbit gum.  As I know that sugar free gum can be toxic to dogs, I immediately called my vet brother.  He did some research for me and we determined that if any of the dogs ate gum, we would be seeing symptoms.  After conferring on the phone with my mother, I learned that it was likely a piece of ABC gum (Already Been Chewed), thus rendering the toxic sugarlike substance far lower in concentration.

Here we are several hours later and everyone is fine.

Today I had some exciting news.  My Saturday class, which is scheduled to meet for five hours every other week, is being truncated due to our required participation in an internship.  I know that three hours instead of five may not sound like much to some, but trust me, it is wonderful.

So now that I have completed my first week of class, I can say that I think this final semester is going to be a good one.  I find that I am without my usual anxiety over new courses and new information.  Is that a sign of the "senior slide" that usually precedes graduation?  We shall see.

Wish me luck.  I am about to attempt the process of putting the household to bed.  It's now or never, people.  Or dogs.  I get them confused sometimes.

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